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Writing an effective bridal blog

Blogs are a great way to stay engaged with your current and potential customers. Amy Mann, owner of Dress Me Pretty, gave us her top tips on writing an effective bridal blog.

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As a small business, blogging is vital. It takes time and effort to write an effective blog, but the benefits are huge. Having a blog on your website boosts your search engine optimisation, develops your relationship with customers, establishes your business as a market leader, connects people to your brand, provides value for your customer and generates a space for sharing.

Amy Mann, owner of Dress Me Pretty in Leicestershire, runs a successful blog on her website. We asked Amy to give us her top tips on writing an effective blog.

To start with, tell us about your boutique

Dress Me Pretty is a stunning bridal boutique in Hinckley, Leicestershire.
I opened the boutique in 2012 and due to our success, I moved to a larger boutique in 2019.
We have a stunning collection which includes Essense of Australia, Stella York, Enzoani, Martina Liana, All Who Wander and Wtoo.

Why should bridal boutiques have a blog?

A blog is your opportunity to capture your audience with helpful, engaging content. Content that will enable you to share your knowledge, and personality, and enhance the profile of your business. Here’s our 5 top reasons to have a bridal blog:

Attract an Audience – We all hit google when we need information about anything. Brides are exactly the same. Think of the most asked questions by brides.
“When should I start looking for a dress?”
“What are the latest hair and make-up trends?”
“Do I need a wedding planner?”
If you are answering the questions that brides are asking, it will lead them to your blog, and ultimately your website. It’s a great way to get your website in front of brides by offering something useful and not just selling.
Build a Rapport and Engage – If a bride has read your blog, she already feels connected to your business. A bride is more likely to become a customer if she has found value from your content and had an insight into what she can expect.
Open your Front Door – Your blog is a great place to introduce your team, your products (or service) and tell your story, your way. Brides love to know what to expect before they commit to the next step. Leave them excited to find out more by sharing beautiful pictures, insightful content and sneak peeks from behind the scenes.
Enhance your Reputation – Share customer reviews, pictures and success stories on your blog. There’s no better way to tell the world how great you are than letting your customers do it for you.

Top tips for your bridal blog

Where to get ideas? Think of the most asked questions by your brides. What are they looking for online? If you are answering those questions, your content will be of value. Websites like Quora and Reddit are really useful for getting blog ideas for your chosen subject. Use social media to ask your audience what they are interested in or what they would like to know more about.

Where can I get images? Images can make or break your blog. Remember not to use images from google as they may be subject to copyright. There are a number of useful websites where you can get royalty free images. These include Pexels, Unsplash and Pixabay.

What language should I use? Your blog should be a positive place and could be the first impression a bride gets of your business. Communicate in a professional manner but remember to be light hearted and friendly, just as you would if they were stepping into your workplace.

How often should I write a blog? The more often you blog, the more traffic you are likely to recieve. Set yourself a realistic goal and measure the results. Of course, quality is more important that quantity, however you should make a personal commitment to post regular content to keep your blog up to date. There’s nothing worse than visiting a blog that hasn’t been updated for months.

How should I promote my blog post? It’s no good having amazing content if nobody sees it. Shout about it on social media and send it to your email subscribers. Consider a live video post to promote your blog and encourage your community to share it. Remember, you can share your blog more than once. Your audience may change over time and is still likely to be relevant.


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