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Marketing to a new generation of brides

From leveraging social media platforms to prioritising personalisation, Diana McMann of Badass Mama provides a comprehensive guide for boutique owners looking to connect with the new generation of brides.

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Generation Z – our new generation of brides! And one that as retailers, we really need to get our heads around. Gen Z (born between 1997 – 2012), are our first fully native digital generation. They have grown up with the internet and research EVERYTHING! So how do we, as retailers, make sure we are going to be seen by this tech savvy audience? Here are some key strategies that you can start putting into practice now!

Authenticity Matters

Gen Z value authenticity and transparency over anything. They have been emersed by media and don’t like to be ‘sold’ to. They can see through it and it’s huge turn off! Just posting images of dresses isn’t going to cut it long term. Showcasing your values as a brand, creating real content over anything too staged and being upfront about what to expect from visiting you, is what is going to make you stand out. Use testimonials from your brides in creative ways, show behind the scenes of your boutique and your team, debunk any myths about bridal shopping and tell stories about your brand. These will all help to build trust with the Gen Z bride.

Get Digital

With tech savvy brides, we must have a multi-channel digital strategy. By that I mean don’t put your eggs all in one basket and just be present on one platform. There are so many ways to showcase your business digitally and the more present you are, the more likely you are to be found. To date, social media have been free platforms, but this is starting to change, with Instagram even announcing more paid for subscriptions, where effectively the more you pay the more features and reach you get.

So with this in mind, if you are not on TikTok, have a play and create some fun content. If you don’t have an email list, now is the time to start building one. It’s the one piece of digital marketing you own and more importantly it can be personalised and targeted. How much are you using your Google Business Page? Keeping this up to date and being active on here is great for SEO.

Live for the experience

Gen Z shoppers want an in-store and out of store experience. We are not just selling them a wedding dress, we are selling a bridal experience. What does your customer journey look like from the moment they become aware of you, to after their wedding day? How can you create more personalised and interactive experiences along the way? Can you add a human connection on your website via a chat function? Does your bride want an instagramable moment when they find their dress with you, or does their yes moment look more understated? Either way, build the experience for your ideal bride at every touch point they have with you.

Importance of values

The decisions of Gen Z brides are increasingly being made on the values that a brand holds in line with their own values. Sustainability, inclusivity and diversity are the key ones to be thinking about for your boutique. Do you have a social responsibility strategy? If not, how can you make this a priority for your business, from the designers you stock, to the systems and processes you have? Start building this messaging into your marketing.

Does the content you create or use in your marketing show your values towards inclusivity and diversity? Do you show curvy models, different ethnicities or appreciation towards different disabilities in your content and what you offer at your boutique? Are you doing anything to give back to your local community? If you don’t do this already, PR is a great way to get these messages out to your audience. Build your contacts with the local press and media and start creating a sense of belonging with your Gen Z bride. 

Get in touch

The digital world is constantly changing and evolving, which will mean our Gen Z bride will too! Whilst our intrinsic values of excellence in customer service will always be relevant, we need embrace these changes in our brides behaviour to stay ahead. So create yourself a CEO day and get brainstorming!

If you’d like any support to build a plan of action for your boutique so you can Badass the Gen Z Bride, then get in touch to chat about my mentoring options, Instagram: @__badassmama / Email: / Website:

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Diana McMannDiana McMann
Marketing and the power of youMarketing and the power of you

Diana McMann

Diana McMann

A mum of three, entrepreneur, award-winning bridal boutique owner and business coach at Badass Mama, Diana McMann is dedicated to helping fellow ambitious wedding pros smash their marketing and customer experience to badass their offering.

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