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There's still time to work on your 2021 strategy

Megan Garmers give her top three strategies for success this year.

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The last 12 months has been more than anyone could have planned for, and it makes you wonder whether having a strategy for your business, marketing and social media even matters when the rules change almost daily. Trying seems almost futile.

And yet, trying is the one thing that provides any hope. Just look at all the apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic books and movies that came out in the last 20 years. Whether it is zombies, interdimensional cosmic wars, or infinity stones, the one thing the heroes have in common is that they keep trying. Whether saving the world or saving your business, I think we can learn a lot from these top 3 success strategies heroes use and apply them to our new world in 2021.

1. Know where to be flexible and where to be rigid

If you watch any of “the world is ending” movies, you know that despite their best efforts and detailed plans, something goes wrong and they have to improvise. They have to be flexible. The enemy is standing in the wrong spot. They didn’t plan to be injured and now can’t run.

So what do they do? They have to think on their feet – and do it quickly.

But they don’t just choose anything. They still make choices that get them to their goal. That’s where they stay rigid. They don’t say, “I guess we just need to live without the one-of-a-kind secret potion.” They find a new way to get what they were after in the first place.

What is your goal in business? What is your ’why’? Those are where you want to stay rigid.

What is your ’how’? This is where you stay flexible.

How do brides purchase from you? In-person? Online? Do you offer free returns? Free shipping/trying multiple dresses? Online questionnaires? TikTok or Instagram Reels showing different gowns on different body types? Fun facts about dress silhouettes?

2. Plan B is not enough

Pivot. Wait, never mind, you can reopen. No, wait, you are closed. Go back to pivoting.

The back and forth is enough to give you whiplash and certainly enough to zap all your energy. So why even plan?

You plan so you have something to work off of as you go. Some of your plans may work and some may not. If you look at most of the scenes in those movies where the heroes are planning their attack, one line in almost every movie is, “And what if that doesn’t work?”

So what are you going to do if your plan doesn’t work? Do you have a backup plan? A backup to the backup plan? In-person shopping? Online? Zoom consultations?

Knowing your goal allows you to keep your eye on the prize and stay focused. Understanding multiple pathways to get there allows you to be flexible and stay the course no matter what comes your way.

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Retail in 2021 and how to succeed by Catherine ErdlyRetail in 2021 and how to succeed by Catherine Erdly

3. Measure your success appropriately

Have you ever noticed that in most of the apocalyptic movies, the hero has one main strength and then has one (or more) areas of weakness? That’s where the sidekick or secondary characters come in.

Who wins? The heroes do. Why do they win? Because they are measuring their success appropriately.

Whether because of aging, more brains than braun (or vice versa), or a special superpower that no one else has, each character in the story has his or her own way to measure their personal success.

We can all feel like failures when we don’t live up to the goals we set or don’t have the skills we need to accomplish a task, but when we pair with the right support, we can still reach the original goal we set even if we didn’t do it all ourselves.

Success is not doing it all yourself or doing it perfectly the first time around. Success is achieving your goal. Knowing your strengths and your weaknesses allow you to seek out the right people to complement your skill set allowing you to go further faster.

What are you good at? Are you good at making clients feel comfortable? Are you good at just knowing the right designer or gown that a bride is looking for? Are you good at marketing or spotting trends?

And now think of the things you are not so good at. Sales? Social media? Branding? Marketing?

Figure out the best things to take off your plate so you can focus your energies on the things you do well.

Not sure what you should focus on? Overwhelmed with trying to plan it all? You are not alone.

Join me live this Thursday at 8pm on @bridalbuyermagazine to ask your questions

Feel free to email me and let me help get you pointed in the right direction for 2021:

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